
Young immigrants reminded the president of their role in the nation's success.
"I love us because we wake up to a country that hates us."
He also called for Congress to pass a bill allowing young undocumented immigrants to gain legal status.
The president is reportedly planning to end the program -- but he hasn't announced it yet.
"We urge you toaffirm America’s values and tradition as a nation of immigrants," reads a letter to the president.
The president has kept the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program in place, so far.
If the bill becomes law, thousands DREAMers would continue to be eligible for employment without fear of deportation.
He may not be the poster immigrant according to some, but he is the immigrant that deserves our support and activism.
Juan Manuel Montes, 23, was shipped to Mexico hours after a Border Patrol agent confronted him.
“This is an important first step toward justice,” Daniel Ramirez Medina's lawyer said.