dress code

We talked to professionals who don’t fit cis-heteronormative standards about how workplace dress codes can reinforce sexism, racism and gender identity repression.
The high schooler won the 100-meter freestyle only to be immediately disqualified because her swimsuit showed too much of her buttocks.
"Our bodies are over sexualized as women and we must ADJUST to make everyone around us comfortable," complained Dr. Tisha Rowe.
Inquiring minds want to know. Legal experts weigh in on "free-range breasts" at work.
A Texas junior high school assistant principal has been placed on leave after making a student cover his shaved hairstyle with a black marker.
One mother of a student at James Madison High characterized the new guidelines as "demeaning."
Girls Just Want To Wear Pants, Sometimes Leggings
A 21-year-old British passenger said she was told her clothing "caused offense." She had to put on a jacket.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints said this will help the missionaries stay warm, ride bikes, and protect themselves from mosquito-borne diseases.
“They need to go ahead and treat girls equally," one of the girls' mothers said. "That’s it."