Eddie Murphy

Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall journey back to America for a new adventure more than 30 years later.
The “Dolemite Is My Name” star said the late comedy legend wasn’t thrilled with his early work.
The comment by the famed author, who votes in three Oscars categories, spurred backlash, including a tweet from Ava DuVernay.
“Stepin Fetchit plus cooning equals the destruction of black men in Hollywood," Andrew Wyatt said in a harsh statement after Murphy mocked "America's dad."
Then he marched out Buckwheat, Gumby and Velvet Jones, pitching his books about "hoes."
"This is the last episode of 2019, but if you’re black, this is the first episode since I left," Murphy boasted.
“Now, every time I see it, I feel like an idiot,” the "Dolemite Is My Name" star told "The Tonight Show" host Jimmy Fallon.
The “Truth Hurts” singer seems *very* excited to be doing the show with the “Dolemite Is My Name” star.
The Oscar-winning actor was all giggles as he invited his hero onstage at the 11th annual Governors Awards.