election fraud

The former president suggested Republicans won't vote in 2022 or 2024 unless the so-called "Presidential Election Fraud of 2020" is solved.
Adam Laxalt, who is running with Trump’s backing, is also already saying he might challenge the outcome of his own race if he loses.
Larry Elder quickly conceded the race and urged booing supporters to “be gracious in defeat.”
Australian journalist Sarah Fergusen asked Donald Trump’s ex-lawyer point-blank: “Do you ever hear yourself and think it sounds ridiculous?”
The MyPillow guy just pulled out a new excuse for not showing his supposed evidence of voter fraud.
A DOJ official said that federal voting rights authorities are keeping a "close eye" on what is going on around the country.
A new poll finds that half of Republican voters think Trump’s baseless claims of voter fraud could put him back in the White House this year.
The image pushes a QAnon conspiracy theory that's popular with the ex-president himself. But it's bogus.
Goya CEO Robert Unanue praised former President Donald Trump at the Conservative Political Action Conference, calling him “the still-actual president.”