eric adams

Adams argued that migrants to the U.S. are "excellent swimmers," which some people interpreted as a reference to migrant crossings at the Rio Grande.
The lawsuit, filed Monday in Manhattan, offered the first public details of a sexual assault claim brought against the mayor in November.
Police said Yohenry Brito was disobeying a lawful order to disperse when an officer tried to arrest him, triggering a melee with nearly a dozen men. But footage released today shows he was walking away.
The mayors of Chicago, New York City and Denver have renewed pleas for more federal help over the growing number of asylum-seekers arriving in their cities.
The measure would bar solitary confinement beyond four-hour “de-escalation” periods during emergencies.
The “Late Night” comedian also mocked Rudy Giuliani over a new defamation case.
Eric Adams said the Big Apple is where you can "experience everything from a plane crashing into our trade center" to a person "celebrating a new business."
The alleged 1993 incident would have occurred when he was working as a transit cop for the NYPD.
Social media users critiqued the Bronx rapper's comments on Eric Adams and Joe Biden — and showed that they completely missed the point.
Social media users critiqued the Bronx rapper's comments on Eric Adams and Joe Biden — and showed that they completely missed the point.