
Ledell Lee died by lethal injection Thursday just minutes before his death warrant expired.
A federal judge has halted Arkansas’ plan to put at least six men to death over 11 days in its effort to use up its supply of a key drug before it expires.
Arkansas’ plan to execute eight prisoners in 11 days has been a matter of life, death and, now, free speech.
But it's in the top seven -- and its plans to execute 7 prisoners in 11 days are drawing international attention.
Mark Christeson killed the family after breaking into their home with his cousin.
The convicted's attorneys argued that judges were given inappropriate powers in his sentencing.
The rare move comes as the Supreme Court continues to operate without a ninth member.
Lawler's attorneys called for clemency, arguing he had recently been diagnosed with autism.
Wood was convicted as an accomplice to murder, with a controversial psychiatrist testifying that he would commit more violence.
The state is being challenged by inmates who claim the use of the drugs is unconstitutional.