executive order

The president said the constitutional amendment granting citizenship to all babies born in the U.S. is "ridiculous."
It is unclear whether the order will be signed by President Donald Trump.
Donald Trump's executive orders would have made firing federal employees easier and hurt their collective bargaining ability.
The federal government has 30 days to reunite all the families split up so far.
The states called Trump’s June 20 executive order purporting to suspend the separations “illusory.”
The late-night host used Trump's own words against him.
What will happen to the more than 2,300 migrant children who have already been separated from their parents?
The order is likely to face litigation -- putting the onus on lawmakers to keep detained families together.
After several failed attempts by Congress to repeal and replace Obamacare, Trump is trying to take matters into his own hands with an executive order.
President Donald Trump signs the Energy Independence executive order, scaling back climate change and environmental policies and postponing the closure of several coal plants.