
Today Jack would've turned 16. Had he not been swept up by a flooding creek in a friend's backyard in September of 2011, Jack would be with his mom and dad, sister and cousins and friends tonight, celebrating his sweet 16.
Betrayal leaves us at a fork in the road. We can choose to act in ways that either favor or impede personal growth: we can become stuck in a bad moment forever or we can put it behind us for good. We decide our path.
As we honor the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. it is worthwhile to to consider the kind of faith King embodied. Because there isn't just one kind of Christian -- and not all faith, or all faith leaders, lead towards freedom.
This new batch of entrepreneurs and investors not only pray together, but also give financial support to faith-based startups. Is there room for God in the tech world?
It is a tale within a tale. It begins with a desperate father, a leader of the synagogue, pleading with Jesus to come heal his critically ill daughter. It is no laughing matter.