
At the same time, the president is pushing $16 billion in taxpayer subsides for farm owners.
Small farms are finding new ways to stay in business as the pandemic shuts down farmers markets and restaurants.
Living in crowded dorms with no space to quarantine the sick, farm laborers are "petrified."
The Trump agenda: tighter standards for food benefits, looser ones for farm programs.
He again falsely claimed that the bill would be covered by tariffs "coming into the country," when tariffs are actually paid by U.S. importers and consumers.
The government has undercounted female farmers for decades, fueling an agriculture industry that has tailored itself almost exclusively toward men.
Leslie Wiser founded Radical Family Farms to explore her own biracial identity. What she didn’t expect was that the farm would become a pillar of community for other Asian Americans who had a similar longing in their lives.
Leslie Wiser founded Radical Family Farms to explore her own biracial identity. She wanted to provide a space to grow the Asian and German heritage vegetables that her grandparents missed when they moved to America. What she didn’t expect was that the farm would become a pillar of community for other Asian-Americans who had a similar longing in their lives.
A new Democratic Senate report says President Trump’s bailout for farmers suffering due to the Chinese trade war disproportionately benefits southern states and big agribusinesses, even though smaller farms in the Midwest and Northern Plains are hurting the most.
It's claimed they can tackle food deserts, reconnect neighbors and slash our food's climate impact, but it's hard to live up to so much hype.