federal court

Jane Doe No. 5 took the stand Monday, testifying she endured harrowing sexual, physical and mental abuse starting when she was 17.
Kelly's team bribed an official for a fake ID so he and the then-15-year-old rising star could get married, another witness testified in the federal trial.
Pace, known as Jane Doe No. 4 in the case, was the first witness to take the stand in the R&B singer's racketeering and sex trafficking trial.
"There’s just no getting around the fact that Keystone XL would devastate communities, wildlife, and clean drinking water,” one group said.
Like his administration, Trump's group of confirmed judicial nominees is severely lacking in diversity.
For all the lifetime circuit judges he’s confirming ― and it’s a lot ― he isn’t replacing that many Democratic appointees.
Senators also can't believe that the judicial branch, largely run by powerful men, has Me Too troubles. Really?
Daniels filed a suit on Monday, claiming that Cohen meant to convey that the porn star "is a liar, someone who should not be trusted."
The decision leaves in place a congressional map issued by the state Supreme Court in February intended to remedy gerrymandering in the commonwealth.
He's nominated 87 people to be lifetime federal judges. They're about as diverse as a casting call for “Mad Men.”