Federal lands

The proposal sets a goal of protecting 30% of U.S. lands and waters by 2030 and calls for banning new fossil fuel leases on the federal estate.
For an administration that says it opposes pawning off federal lands, it sure is cozy with pro-land-transfer zealots.
But count on the president to greenwash his rapidly worsening record in tonight's State of the Union address.
William Perry Pendley authored anti-environmental screeds for Lyndon LaRouche. Now he controls 10% of the U.S. landmass.
A Center for American Progress review shows nearly 30 million acres of federal land in the state are at risk of being developed or transferred.
The new acting director of the Bureau of Land Management appears to be another "fox guarding the henhouse" appointment in the Trump administration.
David Bernhardt oversees some 500 million acres of federal land -- one-fifth of the United States.
The proposal includes a moratorium on new oil and gas leases on federal lands and waters.
One speaker in the 2017 tape boasts of a petroleum group's links to David Bernhardt, who is now the acting Interior chief.
Critics saw the announcement as an attempt to greenwash his anti-conservation record.