
The 27-year-old father had been scheduled to meet with his lawyer the day of his apparent suicide.
“Since when did protecting civil rights take the back seat to making sure police officers don’t get their feelings hurt?" a former DOJ official says.
Robert McCulloch said a "poorly edited" film distorted the truth of Michael Brown's last day.
New convenience store video raises a lot of new aspects of Michael Brown’s death
“We had to do this so that people understand what really happened,” said the documentary filmmaker who obtained the video.
Kayla Robinson says the officer called her a "crackhead" and a "bitch" before stripping her down.
"Pattern-or-practice" cases unveil systematic problems in agencies, not just the conduct of a few rogue cops.
“A lot of the issues that folks believe are most vulnerable are the very issues where this Justice Department has been out in front.”
A representative removed the controversial artwork from a Capitol wall without permission. It was later returned. And then removed. And then returned again.