
Dr. Abdul El-Sayed hopes the things that set him apart can bring Michigan together.
The conservative media giant dominates local TV in the troubled city, where people say the press hasn’t raked nearly enough muck.
And the most vulnerable are low-income families, children and communities of color.
J.J. Green launched a fundraising campaign after learning investors wanted to take the film out of Flint.
Another hint that the U.S. ought to quit using lead pipes for water.
The singer urged Americans to "not forget our brothers and sisters affected by this disaster."
“I’m a Flint kid that wants to help all the other Flint kids.”
Flint and its water crisis offer a case study in the program's value to children.
The Tunisian native reportedly tried to buy a gun in the U.S.
Nick Lyon, the head of Michigan’s health department, has been charged with involuntary manslaughter for his connection to the Flint water crisis, which lead to the deaths of 12 people. Four other officials were also charged for their roles in the water issues.