fossil fuel

That's one reason why climate bills fail even though most Americans think global warming is happening.
The country will pull money from oil, gas and coal "as soon as practicable."
New York's governor said he'd take the pledge the day after Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez defeated his ally.
San Francisco and Oakland had sued major oil firms to hold them accountable for global warming’s damaging effects.
The move is a step toward purging oil, gas and coal industry influence on the Democratic Party's climate policies.
He calls for urgent transition to alternative energy at Vatican meeting.
It will also create jobs, lessen security threats and protect our natural world. We have the technology; now we need the political will.
It could be time to start talking seriously about nationalizing and decommissioning fossil fuel companies.
The agency's ruling in a little-noticed case last month has knocked the wind out of the push for shareholder activism, a favorite neoliberal tactic to address climate change.
David Buckel said he killed himself with "fossil fuel" to show "what we are doing to ourselves."