Fox News

The right-wing network launched into conspiracy theories about the upcoming debates almost immediately.
The Fox News reporter belabored the president's weak swing-state numbers in an exchange with the White House press secretary.
The Fox News host questioned the credibility of Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels, opening herself up to a wave of mockery.
The former president's lawyer was accused of gaslighting during her latest interview with Fox News' Sean Hannity.
The Fox News anchor went viral for all the wrong reasons. Yet again.
"We’re a good family. Never have done anything wrong," Donald Trump's son said on Fox News.
The conspiracy-mongering congresswoman dug a hole big enough to hide one of those "Jewish space lasers" that she once protested against.
The senator, who became a meme over her SOTU rebuttal earlier this year, cast Donald Trump as a role model for kids.
The Fox News host offered a deeply misogynistic take on the adult film star's testimony about her alleged affair with Trump.