Freedom of religion

Ray argued his religious rights were violated since Alabama law would not allow his imam to be present at the execution.
The evangelical Christian artists claim a Phoenix anti-discrimination law would curtail their religious rights.
Prince Mohammed bin Salman, whose country doesn't recognize the right to religious freedom, had a two hour meeting with prominent evangelical leaders.
Decision Magazine editors warned that evangelicals will be punished "once again" if Republicans lose the midterm elections to Democrats.
The goat-headed creature took on the Ten Commandments monument at a rally in Little Rock.
From the same administration that brought you the Muslim travel ban, the attorney general wants the Justice Department to look to heaven.
The First Church of Cannabis argued that Indiana's marijuana laws restrict its religious freedom.
Many believe the president's new “faith initiative” will only "divide and discriminate."
Backers of the proposed law say circumcision violates the rights of children. Religious leaders say it tramples their beliefs.
The Supreme Court ruling is another giant leap toward theocracy. We are descending to new lows, where non-Christians are openly scorned, made to stand up in public to be identified as outcasts.