george stephanopoulos

"He's done considerable harm to the president," Stormy Daniels' lawyer said.
“How do you separate fact and opinion?” Giuliani wondered aloud.
"I have no knowledge of that, but I would think if it was necessary, yes," Giuliani said.
"Since when are all women honest?" a spokeswoman for the convicted comedian said.
The White House counselor blasted the former FBI director for not discussing his concerns "under oath." But he did last year.
"I don't think he's medically unfit to be president. I think he's morally unfit to be president."
In his first TV interview promoting his new book, the fired FBI director repeatedly said he was stunned by his interactions with Trump.
Trump used his campaign-style rally in Phoenix, AZ to lash out at the media.
Like Trump's tax plan itself, Steve Mnuchin's explanation was short on details.
"The president of the United States is correct, 100 percent."