Hakeem Jeffries

The legislation, which was first unveiled last year, would declassify cannabis as a controlled substance.
The New York congressman said he would not "over-investigate" and "over-politicize" Trump's relationship with Russia.
The White House chief of staff said Trump doesn't want another shutdown, but he would do it if necessary.
Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) and other Democrats connected Martin Luther King Jr.’s civil rights struggle to the fight against Trump today.
“What Donald Trump and the Republicans want to do is waste $5 billion in taxpayer money on an ineffective, medieval border wall that is a 5th-century solution to a 21st-century problem."
California Rep. Barbara Lee lost, but the Congressional Progressive Caucus still made big gains.
The congressman from New York beat fellow Congressional Black Caucus member Barbara Lee of California.
The conservative social media duo said they weren't paid by the president's campaign... but campaign filings indicate otherwise.
Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) saluted Lauryn Hill, Lil' Kim and others.
"We know he went from negative to positive and emerged as one of the world’s most important hip hop stars."