
No, we're not talking about Rick Grimes or even Maggie Rhee.
The journalist flew in a helicopter over Mexico Beach, Florida, and said the storm "obliterated" the town.
"It’s rare to hear that our helicopter launched with seven people on board but [we] were preparing to land with eight."
Pilots said FlyNYON's safety cutters were not effective in freeing passengers from their harnesses.
The Federal Aviation Authority is investigating the fatal crash in New York’s East River. The pilot managed to make a mayday call moments before hitting the water.
The pilot freed himself and was rescued. He was treated and released in good condition from a hospital, police said.
He finally gets dropped off at nearby air strip.
Reams of toilet paper soared high into the sky.
The Saint Nick tied the pilots up at a small farm outside Sao Paulo, Brazil.