
Brené Brown shares the harsh truth.
Social psychology researcher Arthur Aron of the Interpersonal Relationships Lab at Stony Brook University in New York developed 36 questions to help people break through each of the intimacy levels. You can do these with your partner or with friends. I highly recommend them to parents and teens.
If there is one person currently spearheading the movement towards conscious loving relationships it is Esther Perel.
When your partner consistently avoids sex and intimacy, or on the rare occasion when they are willing, are obviously doing so reluctantly -- the accumulations of repeated rejections are likely to have a big impact on your self-esteem.
Emotional support is the idea that your spouse cares what happens to you in your day. Emotional support is knowing that you have someone one on your side, cheering you on through the difficult moments. It's celebrating with you in your triumphs. It's being there with you in the quiet moments, sharing in life together.
Unless there is physical danger, staying in the relationship while you explore and heal your end of the relationship system will serve you well. Once you have healed your end of your relationship system, it will become very clear to you whether or not your relationship has a chance of becoming loving and caring, or whether it is time to move on.