
President Donald Trump went off script while speaking at the 2019 Conservative Political Action Conference.
White House officials reportedly pushed to sell nuclear power technology to Saudi Arabia despite legal violations.
House Democrats are starting to investigate President Donald Trump, and he is not happy about it.
The labor secretary reportedly brokered an outrageously lenient plea deal for an accused child sex trafficker.
Fundamental questions remain about the journalist's death after the kingdom's Friday night announcement, and it's unlikely Saudi critics abroad will be satisfied.
Joseph Ianniello only briefly alludes to diversity and cultural issues. Meanwhile, Moonves stays on in an advisory role.
The Peter Strzok testimony went off the rails, but it gave Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel a good laugh.
The porn star at the center of the Trump investigation was arrested in Ohio, but the charges were later dropped.
Joseph James DeAngelo has now been charged in a dozen homicides.