
It is an illusion, albeit a powerful one, to believe that a free exchange of ideas exists in any pure form in the West. Racial, ethnic, and religious minorities rarely have possessed the same opportunities to shape public opinion as those with political power or cultural capital.
Keziah S. Ridgeway and Hind Makki join HuffPost Live to talk about if Lady Gaga is appropriating Muslim culture.
The Indonesian Embassy in Washington D.C. has expressed her relationship with the United States in the most unique way -- by building a statue of Saraswati, the iconic representation of education in Hindu tradition on their grounds.
We have scarcely skimmed the surface of violence and intolerance to Christians in Muslims worlds. If it should continue at its present rate, Christianity will very soon be completely eradicated in its homeland.
We've heard plenty about the "threat of sharia" to American culture, but noting about how Muḥammad would vote the issues. What does Islamic law have to say about the federal deficit, tax-cuts, gay marriage and other hot-button issues?
Prophet Lord Krishna was a noble, righteous, beloved one of God. Far from theological division, he is a source of unity and accord between Hindus and Muslims.
In this articulation of Muhammad, Muslims find their deep commitment to the universal human values such as sacredness of life and property, equality, justice, peace and more. Upon these high universal values, this religion of Islam was built.
Al-Ghazali was a Persian theologian, philosopher, jurist and mystic, acclaimed as the most influential Muslim after the Prophet Muhammad. His works shaped how generations of Muslims would understand their religion.
Shariah is a personal relationship between a Muslim and God. The First Amendment forbids Congress from passing laws that restrict the free exercise of religion--particularly private exercise.