
Jeremy Christian faces decades of jail for stabbing three people and hurling anti-Muslim insults at two black women on a Portland train.
The 2020 candidate has a problematic record when it comes to policing and violating Muslim civil rights, they say.
The Center for Security Policy has claimed “Sharia-supremacists” are working “with leftists to destroy the United States."
The freshman congresswoman shared a letter asking a judge for leniency when sentencing a man who pleaded guilty to threatening her.
“Who are we as a nation if we respond to threats of political retribution with retribution?” the congresswoman wrote in a letter.
Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s xenophobia is showing yet again. He went on another racist tirade against immigrants and migrants on his show, “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”
Disinformation can bleed into the real world in violent ways. It happened in the French city of Bayonne.
Kyle Allen was booked in San Diego on battery and hate crime charges in an assault on three Muslim women.
“When I send my son to school, I want to be a million percent sure that he's not going to get hurt. He is going to learn and to be safe.”
Ramez Alghazzouli and Asmaa Khadem Al Arbaiin say they believe this site's coverage helped put pressure on the State Department.