jack dorsey

Rep. Billy Long (R-Mo.) just had his finest moment in Congress.
The committee set out an empty chair for Google to show their displeasure.
Dorsey also protected continued Twitter access by white nationalist Richard Spencer, according to The Wall Street Journal.
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey says social media platforms shouldn't be "arbiters of truth." The ACLU seems to agree with that sentiment.
Jack Dorsey's company hasn't set the goal posts on what's OK to tweet.
NBC News anchor Lester Holt discussed the suspension with Twitter’s CEO.
"@RealAlexJones is now in @Twitter prison!"
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey raised eyebrows by choosing Sean Hannity to interview him about his decision not to ban the accounts of Infowars’ Alex Jones.
Twitter's Jack Dorsey says it’s up to journalists to refute Alex Jones’ conspiracy theories.