james lankford

“Watch it on TV," urged Oklahoma Sen. James Lankford of the president's planned reelection rally in Tulsa.
Sen. James Lankford of Oklahoma said outlawing the sometimes-deadly restraint should have been done "a long time ago."
“I don’t like the way that he tweets, some of the things that he says, his word choices at times are not my word choices," Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) said.
The Senate majority leader is facing new pressure to act on stalled election security bills.
The Vermont senator reiterates his call for an assault weapons ban while defending his record on other gun control issues.
A GOP senator drew headlines for saying the president could extend a program that helps Dreamers.
James Lankford said Democrats should back his bills because they'll keep the president's agency heads in check.
Obama's pick to lead the department can expect to spend the next year justifying its treatment of colleges.