jason momoa

Director Mike Mitchell reveals some magical "Lego Movie 2" cameos and one unfortunate cut.
We're not sure where Aquaman ends and Jason Momoa begins. Or what's going on with Patrick Wilson's Hair. We just wish there was more cheese.
The DC universe star breaks down exactly why we need more complex female superheroes.
The rock star supported the "Aquaman" actor for his appearance on "Saturday Night Live."
The Hawaiian actor crushes a war-dance tradition to usher in a potential DC blockbuster.
Aquaman reveals why his eyes change color, what his favorite cut scene is and why he regrets that one crappy comment.
Jason Momoa wants to be assigned to a new kid after the one he's been watching for 13 years discovers a new "solo activity."
When it comes to his thoughts on Batman and Superman leaving, Aquaman dives right in.
The actor tried to make his point for superhero supremacy against "The Tonight Show" host.