jeff flake

Twitter had a field day with Romney’s Trump-bashing editorial.
"Like I said, I haven’t ruled it out," he said. "I’m a long way from there, but somebody needs to and I think that the country needs to be reminded of what it means to be conservative."
Sens. Tim Scott and Jeff Flake joined Democrats in rejecting Thomas Farr to be a lifetime federal judge.
He made the announcement shortly after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell objected to Flake's request to hold a vote on a bill shielding the special counsel.
The GOP senator, who retires in January, added: "This wasn’t an issue that Congress was involved in, it was an executive decision."
Kyrsten Sinema is making history, becoming Arizona’s first ever female Senator and the first openly bisexual Senator.
Sen. Jeff Flake still doubts Brett Kavanaugh’s story against Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. He says he doesn’t know what to believe.
“You know, she was very compelling; he was very persuasive,” Flake said.
Democrat refuses to take the bait over 2003 comments on the Iraq War as the two congresswomen vie to replace Sen. Jeff Flake.
"November is coming," Ana Maria Archila said after Brett Kavanaugh was voted onto the nation's highest court.