Jim Jordan

"If only there was something in his background that would suggest he would stand by and look away when bad things were going on," the CNN anchor said.
"You can yell at me about it," Rep. Mike Lawler said, adding that Republicans need to compromise or "we're not going to be able to govern."
A sizable faction of House Republicans opposed the temporary speaker plan, meaning it could only have passed with Democratic votes ― a cardinal sin to House Republicans.
Rep. Don Bacon of Nebraska did not vote for Jordan in either House floor ballot.
The MSNBC anchor summed up Republican chaos with a funny analogy.
House Republicans opposing Jordan’s speaker bid have received death threats and been told to “go f**k yourself and die.”
The "Late Night" host suggested who might want a job that "absolutely sucks" in a brutal look at the House speaker chaos.
This new video “endorsement” probably won’t help the Ohio Republican in his bid for House speaker.
He tweeted, “No American should accost another for their beliefs" after a GOP colleague's wife got threatening texts pressuring her husband to back Jordan.