karen bass

A bipartisan group of lawmakers is still working on a version of a policing overhaul bill that could pass the Senate.
"America is not a racist country," the Senate Republican said, adding that every society has "bad actors."
Rep. Karen Bass said Sunday that Trump's scheduled visit to Wisconsin in the wake of protests against police brutality is meant to cause harm.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom is already facing pressure to appoint a historic candidate to the seat.
The California congresswoman, who is a top contender to become Joe Biden's running mate, explained her 2010 comments on Twitter.
The leading contenders include California Sen. Kamala Harris, California Rep. Karen Bass and Obama national security adviser Susan Rice.
The California representative and former state Assembly speaker has emerged as a leading challenger to be Joe Biden's running mate.
The Justice in Policing Act would limit legal protections for police and create a national database of excessive-force incidents, among other changes.
“Once they saw who was dying, it was like, ‘We don’t have a problem here,’” Rep. Karen Bass said of the Trump administration push to open businesses amid COVID-19.
The endorsement by Democratic Rep. Karen Bass of California is the latest testament of a growing coalescence of support for Biden’s White House bid.