kate brown

"I won two elections handily," said the progressive Democrat. "What part of the will of the voters are they ignoring?”
"We have to hold our elected officials accountable," Kate Brown said.
The lawmakers haven't accepted a militia's offer of defense from state troopers sent to look for them. But the specter of violence remains.
Gov. Kate Brown (D) authorized the Oregon State Police to retrieve Republican lawmakers after they walked out to avoid voting on a climate bill.
Democratic Gov. Kate Brown has indicated she will sign the legislation.
The bill, expected to be signed into law this week, would limit rent increases and require reasons for some evictions.
Dan Little tackled trashed bathrooms at Mt. Hood during the shutdown.
The Democrat overcame a major Republican push to unseat her — including millions of dollars from Nike founder Phil Knight.
Oregon's Kate Brown has been one of Trump's strongest opponents. The GOP is spending big to unseat her.
Gov. Kate Brown told reporters she practices yoga and meditation, and believes in treating others with respect.