keith ellison

Ellison has been fighting racism for decades. But getting justice for George Floyd looms as his biggest challenge.
Derek Chauvin, the former officer who kneeled on Floyd's neck, faces a more severe charge of second-degree murder.
The entertainer asked Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison to "prosecute all those responsible" for Floyd's death to the "fullest extent.”
Sanders has "the spine" to confront income inequality and the corrupting effect of money, said Ellison, a former co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.
“It’s sort of a sellout to Big Pharma,” the Minnesota attorney general and former House progressive leader said.
The congressman, who was accused of domestic abuse earlier this year, won a contentious race against Republican Doug Wardlow.
Minnesota Democrats moved a campaign meet-and-greet event amid threats of anti-Muslim, alt-right protests.
A state Democratic investigation called the physical abuse claim against the congressman “unsubstantiated,” but the issue still haunts the progressive’s campaign.
The Democratic nominee for Minnesota attorney general has denied physically and emotionally abusing his former girlfriend, Karen Monahan.
"I don't know what somebody might cook up," the Democratic nominee for Minnesota attorney general said.