ken paxton

On Friday, the jury of 30 senators deliberated for about eight hours but did not emerge for what will be a historic vote.
Texas' Republican Attorney General Ken Paxton was impeached on corruption allegations.
An impeachment trial for the suspended Republican began in the state Senate Tuesday.
The impeachment trial exposed splinters in the Texas Republican party even before it began.
Paxton's trial on years of alleged corruption begins next week.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton's accusers say impeachment charges don't tell the full story of how the three-term Republican reaped the benefits of elected office.
Texas' suspended attorney general is facing permanent removal pending the results of a trial in the state Senate next month.
FBI agents have arrested a Texas businessman at the center of the scandal that led to the historic impeachment of state Attorney General Ken Paxton.
Paxton was suspended when the state House voted to impeach him this weekend.
“We will manage this process with the weight and reverence it deserves and requires,” a Republican lawmaker said Monday.