
The New Hampshire 11th-graders sung lyrics such as "KKK, KKK, let's kill all the blacks" after being assigned to create a jingle based on Reconstruction.
HuffPost speaks with ACLU's former president about what it means to censor hate speech in an era of increasing attacks.
Four men have been charged for rioting at the Unite The Rally in Charlottesville.
"President is being smeared" over his response to counterprotester Heather Heyer's death, the former White House strategist said.
Spike Lee slammed Donald Trump’s response to Charlottesville at the premiere of his film “BlacKkKlansman” at Cannes.
Lisa McNair's sister was killed by the KKK. She recalled how she felt when her sister's killers were brought to justice.
Glenn Cantave explains how his group Movers and Shakers is using cutting-edge technology to revolutionize activism.
President Donald J. Trump still thinks that "both sides" are to blame for the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Trump was wrong about the “alt-left,” but most people aren’t quite right either.