
As conditions get worse, people on the Greek islands need supplies.
When Susan Sarandon receives a call from her daughter and granddaughter while on Lesbos, an amazing situation unfolds.
The symbolic milestone is driven by war, poverty and persecution in the Middle East and Africa.
This year, nearly one million male, female, young, old, strong and vulnerable human beings, have arrived in Europe by sea.
"Having lived through certain situations in the past doesn't desensitize you. Instead, you empathize more with others."
"Warning: This is not a lifesaving device.”
With the government doing little to address the crisis, NGOs have stepped in to fill the gap.
Thousands of refugees have arrived on Lesbos this year.
"If things were like before, nobody would leave," said one young Syrian.
Photography has proven a powerful tool to capture the depths of the humanitarian crisis on the Greek islands.