life online

Do you know about Back Tap? Or how to activate the secret mouse?
Meeting an online friend in person can be nerve-wracking, but it'll be less so with this practical, affirming advice.
If your iPhone is slow and sluggish, try these simple tips to make it run faster.
Have you heard of "Night mode"? It's about to become your new best friend.
You haven't forgotten your username or most embarrassing ~*aWaY~ status, because AIM changed EVERYTHING.
Experts told us why everyone is so obsessed with their images.
Experts reveal whether it's safe to store passwords in your browser, or if you need to use a separate password manager.
Adding “LOL” after “This super depressing thing happened to me and I hate my life” can hurt your mental health and relationships.
This feature on your iPhone can actually help you sleep. Here's how to use it.
We swear you’ll actually use — and love — these apps.