
The safari operator who snapped the photo warned, "I don’t see a chance of this poor cub surviving."
Zoo officials are now pursuing a criminal trespass charge against the unidentified woman.
Officials at the Leipzig Zoo said the animal, "Kigali," has been resocialized with the father of the two male cubs.
A painted dog dupes one of nature's most feared predators — and then pulls off a great escape.
Watch one of nature's fiercest predators in a fight for its life.
Zookeepers are stunned after Zuri fought with long-time mate Nyack.
A ranger discovered the human remains while taking guests on a safari drive at the Sibuya Game Reserve.
“Best friends” José and Liso had been rescued from a circus and relocated to South Africa only a year earlier.
Fifty years ago, a movie like "Get Out" couldn't have existed. But does this really mean progress?