lou dobbs

The Fox Business host gushed praise on a day the president was exposed for intentionally downplaying the coronavirus while it killed people.
"What Lou says is what I want to do," Trump said of the Fox Business host, according to former DHS chief of staff Miles Taylor.
The president's apologists on Fox News and Fox Business were left to eat their own words after Trump's tweet.
There's "no question about it," said the Fox Business host, an ardent Trump ally.
The Fox Business host faced backlash over his latest outlandish claim about the president, which came as the U.S. hit the bleak pandemic milestone.
The late-night comedy show previously "honored" the network as "Heroes of the Pandumbic."
The Fox Business host considers China's response to the outbreak a "conscious act of warfare."
The Fox Business host said the president "has been proven right at every point," but still faces coronavirus condemnation from "the left."
Mike Lindell praised God for Trump's election and told Americans to read the Bible at a coronavirus briefing.
The staunch Trump ally previously downplayed the threat of the coronavirus pandemic, accusing the media of "playing up fears."