Love Post50

The longer you're together, the harder it is to find something original.
Habits that cause the biggest problems, plus easy ways to reignite your love and end the fights.
Isn't the definition of insanity to do the same thing over and over and expect a different outcome?
At an event earlier this year, I met two women who, as it turned out, were not only business partners but also life partners. They left their marriages and grown children in their 50s and have been together ever since. My curiosity piqued, I'm afraid I monopolized their time with my many questions.
Can the bride wear white? Is it silly to have a registry?
The number one sex problem that I hear from women is the lack of desire for sex. They do still enjoy sex once they get started, they tell me, but they're seldom in the mood ahead of time. It isn't just a problem for women -- many men also report decreased desire -- but for women, it's the main complaint.