
"I’ve been comfortable just calling it a 'witch hunt' and a 'kangaroo court' and things like that,” the former House speaker said on Tuesday's episode.
President Donald Trump compared the impeachment inquiry to a lynching, and it didn’t sit well with Democrats.
The House Democrat delivered a scathing rebuke of the president's claim that impeachment proceedings are tantamount to a lynching.
The president also suggested that Democrats are carrying out the investigation “without due process or fairness or any legal rights.”
A tweet aimed at Qasim Rashid, a Muslim lawyer running for a seat in Virginia's state Senate, amounts to a felony, prosecutors say.
An HBO documentary about Bryan Stevenson sounds an urgent call to examine the nation's past, from slavery to lynching.
When conservative Christians would rather see LGBTQ people lynched than their rights protected, we have a serious problem.
The Liberty Counsel's Mat Staver said he's worried that this means queer Americans could be granted more rights under federal law.
“Lynching is a dark and despicable aspect of our nation’s history,” said Sen. Kamala Harris. “We must acknowledge that fact lest we repeat it.”
The Mississippi senator has been heavily criticized for her remark about a ”public hanging.”