margaret atwood

"Instead of our bank account, they're taking away our health insurance; and you thought 'Handmaid's Tale' was just a fictional story."
Hulu’s dystopian adaptation will live to see another year.
She offered a politely sanitized "nolite te bastardes carborundorum."
"The Handmaid’s Tale" resonates, but there’s reason for hope.
"If Offred could do something," showrunner Bruce Miller said, "I should get off my ass and do something as well.”
Authors and teachers Judith Hayn and Elizabeth Majerus talk “The Handmaid’s Tale,” YA series, and other useful allegories.
"It's not a feminist story," series star Elisabeth Moss said. "It's a human story."
"The control of women and babies has been a part of every repressive regime in history."