martha mcsally

Kyrsten Sinema is making history, becoming Arizona’s first ever female Senator and the first openly bisexual Senator.
The Democrat ended up topping Republican Martha McSally in the midterm elections.
A GOP lawsuit is challenging the state’s two biggest counties for allowing voters to help resolve problems with their mail-in ballot signatures after Election Day.
Reps. Kyrsten Sinema (D) and Martha McSally (R) are locked in a tight race.
Republicans are highlighting her leftist past. But progressives have their own grumbles, even as they line up behind her Senate run in Arizona.
Martha McSally is still telling people she voted to protect people with pre-existing conditions
The party is sending out mailers tying the Green Party nominee in the state’s crucial Senate race to Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.
GOP candidates in Arizona, Texas and Florida face environmental attacks, but party strategists think voters won’t care.
"Democrats produce mobs, Republicans produce jobs," the president said.
Now it's Senate candidate Martha McSally telling whoppers about her record on health care.