Member of Congress

The Democratic congresswoman from New York and the GOP senator from Texas plan to work on a bill to bar former Congress members from becoming lobbyists.
Trump smirks about the Muslim congresswoman in a speech to a Jewish GOP group in Las Vegas.
One of America's most prominent TV scientists came out in support of the congresswoman, crashing her SXSW talk with a big question.
Activists have been criticizing Israeli policies towards Palestinians long before the Minnesota congresswoman.
The congresswoman argued that President Donald Trump's predecessors "also had really bad policies. They just were more polished than he was."
The congresswoman slammed Meadows' for not offering Lynne Patton time to speak during the Cohen hearing.
The congressman yielded his time, then demanded to have it back and the congresswoman did not approve.
The congresswoman called upon the public to stand against politicians "who sit in ivory towers thinking up new wars to wage."
The nine-term Republican congressman from Iowa has been spouting racist views and canoodling with white supremacists for years.
“I was not sent to Washington to play nice,” said Rep.-elect Ayanna Pressley.