
Rights groups allege multiple violations and unlawful killings.
A setback for Viktor Orban in his clash with the EU's refugee policy.
al-Baghdadi called for his fighters to “turn the nights of the unbelievers into days, to wreck havoc in their land and make their blood flow as rivers.”
Kurdish authorities say they're protecting camps and cities from ISIS operatives.
The operation would tighten the noose around Islamic State’s Iraq stronghold but could inflame sectarian tension in the mainly Sunni region.
"While once social media was seen as a liberating means to speak truth to power, now the issue is how to speak truth to social media."
The troops are waiting for other forces to close in on the Islamic State's last major urban stronghold.
The U.S.-backed offensive is continuing its push to take back Mosul from ISIS.
The military is carrying out mop-up operations across the town of Qaraqosh.