National Elections

California Rep. Ro Khanna, San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz, former Ohio state Sen. Nina Turner and Ben Cohen, a co-founder of Ben & Jerry's, will helm Sanders' presidential team.
Clinton hit back on Trump's favorite social media platform.
The president's campaign is taking steps to change state party rules, crowd out potential rivals and quell any early signs of opposition.
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz said Trump’s campaign was “infected with contact with Russia.”
The senator-elect pledged to “speak out" against "divisive, racist, sexist, anti-immigrant, dishonest or destructive" rhetoric from the Trump administration.
That doesn't necessarily mean they'll turn on him without one.
A new survey finds rising support for free trade, immigration and an active role in world affairs.
Putin capitalized on American racism, on the GOP’s willingness to shred democratic norms and on Trump's all-American greed.