national enquirer

The tabloid is under fire for paying $150,000 to keep Karen McDougal quiet about an alleged affair with Trump.
Gavin De Becker said he and others "concluded with high confidence that the Saudis had access to Bezos’ phone."
Michael Sánchez, the brother of Bezos' girlfriend Lauren Sánchez, reportedly received $200,000 from American Media Inc.
Michael Sanchez told Vanity Fair that the love between Bezos and Lauren Sanchez is "a legendary romance."
Jeff Bezos and Lauren Sanchez inadvertently brought back the M word.
New Jersey, which invests employee pensions in the fund, wants assurance that the publisher is obeying "all applicable laws."
The National Enquirer's parent company was simply involved in a "negotiation" with the Amazon founder, the attorney claimed.
But a billionaire's penis is "small potatoes," concludes mock "Meet the Press" panel.
Bezos accused the National Enquirer publisher of extortion on Thursday.