
The World Health Organization says the deadly Wuhan coronavirus that originated in China is now a “global health emergency”.
Hundreds of millions of people are expected to travel both domestically and abroad for Lunar New Year, prompting fears the coronavirus could spread quickly.
Some airports, including three in the U.S., have begun screening airline passengers from central China, where the coronavirus appears to have originated.
The latest weekly CDC figures show that vaping-related illnesses are still rising across the country, but at a slightly slower pace.
A city in the Democratic Republic of Congo that's home to almost 1.2 million people is now at risk.
San Diego is bleaching its streets in an effort to combat the hepatitis A outbreak affecting the city’s homeless.
The virus was first discovered at a federal detention center.
Health officials predict that a small number of Americans will get Zika virus.
One stillborn fetus' brain was completely absent.