parental leave

The Rogens channeled their experience caring for Lauren's mother, who died last year from Alzheimer's, into a plea to the Biden administration.
Becoming a parent is a beautiful moment — and a great responsibility that is equally important no matter your gender.
The conservative panelist returned to the show following a three-month maternity leave.
Republicans show no interest in extending emergency paid sick and family leave, even though the successful programs are vital in a pandemic.
Proposition 118 provides 12 weeks of time off to new parents and those who are dealing with an illness or taking care of a sick family member.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) says the free market’s average family leave of 6-8 weeks is less time than breeders recommend puppies stay with their mothers before rehoming.
While everyone argues about "Medicare for All," real progress is happening on paid family leave. Time to pay attention.
Plus: Why are men getting paid more for parental leave?
The pay gap shows up even though women have access to more kinds of paid leave.
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