
Lifetime's "Surviving R. Kelly" reminds us that we've fostered a culture of disregard for black girlhood.
21st century chivalry must recognize that being chivalrous doesn’t have to be about protecting, but supporting.
Patriarchal systems will break down when women stop holding themselves and fellow women to its ridiculous standards.
Now, more than ever, we need boys who will be the kind of men to fight against injustice.
Donald Trump wants women to believe we’re not good enough as we are — that we should put more energy into our appearance than into changing the world.
My engagement ring felt like a weight, like a brand on a cow, because that’s exactly what it was.
She was stunned. Confused. I felt like I had introduced a notion completely foreign to her five-year-old mind.
"The idea of women occupying space in street culture or in the street in general is culturally radical."