Peter Navarro

However, the Office of Special Counsel's report is unlikely to lead to disciplinary action against Peter Navarro.
"We have what appears to be an immaculate deception," said Navarro, baselessly dismissing Joe Biden's 5 million vote victory margin as a mirage.
Despite Joe Biden’s win, the Trump administration is moving forward with plans for a second term and refusing to cooperate for a smooth transition of power.
Peter Navarro tried to blame Chris Wallace for Trump's failure to denounce white supremacists.
The CNN host asked White House trade adviser Peter Navarro why the president misled the public on the coronavirus. It didn't go well.
The creator stepped in "because of partisan bickering and divided government," Navarro said on "Meet the Press."
President Donald Trump and his allies continue to falsely tout the anti-malarial drug as a COVID-19 treatment, despite scant concrete evidence of its efficacy.
The image shows Fauci wearing protective gear to treat an Ebola patient.
The nation's top disease expert is not thinking about quitting, though. The problem is too big.
Trade adviser Peter Navarro joined the White House effort to discredit the infectious disease expert, who has urged Americans to take COVID-19 seriously.