
COVID-19 has rolled back significant wins in India when it comes to plastic waste, with the usage of single-use plastic products like masks and gloves surging in the pandemic.
From ghost nets to dead turtles, the founder of the Ocean Voyages Institute shares what they find hauling plastic waste out of the Pacific Ocean.
Environmental activists are sounding the alarm as city streets become littered with masks and gloves, and single-use plastics get a new lease on life.
A coastal town in England achieved "plastic free" accreditation in 2017, since then over 100 other communities have done the same.
The coffee company will no longer provide disposable cups in some Bay Area locations in an effort to go zero waste by the end of 2020.
Travel blogger Jessica Nabongo saw the effects of plastic pollution all over the world.
Exporting plastic for processing overseas has been linked to ocean pollution.
Plastic razors are a regular part of so many people's grooming routines. But are they just as bad for the planet as plastic straws?
Researchers found mountains of toothbrushes and flip-flops among 524,000 pounds of plastic junk on Australia's remote Cocos Islands.
Throwing plastic trash into open fires releases chemicals that are highly toxic to humans.